IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • Good to hear that you still try to figure out the problem.
    Looking forward to hear the results.
  • I was finally able to reproduce the dmx dropout problem in the test lab using an ASUS A7V400-MX motherboard. As mentioned by the users on this forum this problem seems to effect all USB output devices (single and superwidgets) attached to this model of iPC but does not effect attached DP2000 or DP8000 output.

    I apologize to everyone for the long wait on getting to the bottom of this issue. Thanks to everyone for your posts on helping us to get this straightened out.

    Stay tuned. I will report back in this forum on the procedures moving forward. We are currently regressing software versions to see when and if this was caused by recent Hog3PC application releases.
  • After further testing this issue is believed to be a software defect that started in v3.0.

    In our testing, iPCs built with Asus ASUS A7V400-MX motherboards have been show to suffer noticable DMX Output drop-outs when running software versions 3.0.0 and greater. This issue can be seen simply by hooking up a fixture, putting it in a position circle effect, and watching it glitch every 20s or so. This can also be seen in a typical dmx-ter by watching the break to break timing periodically jump to 500ms and sometimes greater.

    What we have discovered in our testing so far:
    1) Asus A7N8X-VM/400 motherboards are the only motherboards proven to exhibit this problem
    2) DMX dropouts are only occuring on Widgets and Superwidgets (DP8000 and DP2000 outputs are not effected)
    3) This problem goes away when you downgrade to v2.6.0 on the iPC

    I have logged software defect #13324 to track this issue and I am discussing it with our development team to determine the best way to resolve the problem on Hog iPCs suffering from this dmx drop out problem.

    If you are experiencing this problem on motherboards other than the A7N8X-VM/400 please let us know by posting in this forum.
  • Yes, started in 3.0. Thats what happend to me.

    I´m looking forward to read the results...
    I already changed my motherboard cause I had to use my console for several shows.
    Any ideas/thoughts about this issue? Cause there are also some users in Austria who changed their boards due to this defect.

    Thanks for your tests.
    I appreciate this a lot!!!
  • Darnit,
    That's my motherboard, and also deal with the stuttering, really noticable in my LED fixtures. Does if have to be the exact motherboard you guys list, or can I put another ASUS in? Do I have to modify anything, like the fan asmbly? Or can I buy an upgrade kit from HES.
  • The best way is to buy the "upgrade"/exchange kit from HES, which is available from you local HES-Dealer
    There you will replace the motherboard, timecode-widget and HDD.
    After the "upgrade" you will have the same power like in a Roadhog (NOT Roadhog Fullboar), like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM
    Booting will proceed faster and i think also a little more performance when switching windows etc...
    Changing just the motherboard might not work, cause the BIOS is set to work with iPC hardware, also the HDD-capacity must match certain specifications.

    Hope this helps.
  • Why Do you have to change the time code widget as well?
    And how much does the kit cost?
    Chris do you think that the issue might be sorted out via software changes or do you think hardware upgrade is the only viable solution?
  • The following motherboards are supported in the Hog iPC XPE Image:
    ASUS P4P800-VM
    ASUS A7V400-MX
    ASUS A7N8X-VM/400
    Asus P5B
    Advantec AIMB-562

    The Asus P5B and AIMB-562 motherboards do not have the same onboard game port that the other model motherboards did. The game port is what we originally used for midi I/O. If you happen to upgrade your iPC to the Asus P5B or AIMB-562 from any of the other model motherboard you will likely need to have your LTC widget upgraded to the LTC widget model that contains a jumper that connects to the midi card inside your HogiPC.

    We are still looking into a software solution to this problem. I hope to be in a better position to advise what course of action our users should take in the next few days.
  • Software solution would be great.
    But what about those guys who already had to buy the replacement-kit cause they needed the console to work...
  • I already opened my Ipc a few times so far and as far as I can see the LTC widget is connected to the motherboard usb in place jumper. it's actually sharing this jumper with the DMX superwidget. there's a split cable feeding both the LTC and DMX widget. According to what my Ipc wiring is, I still don't see why I should change the LTC widget. At the end of the day the LTC widget is a USB device and it should work regardless of the motherboard as long as it's connected to a USB port.
  • As Chris explained in his previous post, the older motherboards had MIDI support directly on the motherboard. In these consoles, the motherboard provided the MIDI interface, and the LTC widget provided the LTC interface.

    Newer motherboards do not support MIDI. Consoles built with these newer motherboards use a different widget that supports both LTC and MIDI. If you use an old widget with a new motherboard, your MIDI will not work.
  • [QUOTE=MLorenz;45107] like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM

    The RHFB uses a Dual Core CPU, but the RH typically ships with a single core Celeron.

    A more general note: Officially we only support motherboards supplied by HES with the HES custom BIOS.

    Motherboard vendors make frequent changes to the boards without changing the part number. That means even if you purchase a motherboard with the same model number from your favorite computer store it may not work in your console. We test with what we ship. Anything else and you're on your own.
  • [QUOTE=ericthegeek;45125]The RHFB uses a Dual Core CPU, but the RH typically ships with a single core Celeron.

    Sorry, mixed that up, sitting most of the time in front of a RHFB
  • I am having this same issue with a Hog IPC that I just bought (used of course) last week. This console leaves on a long tour next week, so I am trying to get this resolved. I tried "downgrading" to the older version of software in order to not have this glitch issue, but had some issues: the server would not start, and I had a couple of error pop-ups. All in all, I could not get my show to load in this older version of software. Any thoughts/suggestions? How soon can you all get this replacement motherboard kit out? Time is of the essence here....